Q&A: How to learn and earn
We want to learn something that we are interested in and also want to make money from it at the same time.
It almost sounds too good to be true, but there are hundreds of thousands of people doing this every day, making somewhere from extra hundreds and thousands to six figures seven figures of money.
With the profitable learner framework "input + output + monetisation", the first question that people can get stuck is how can you identify what to learn in order to make more money?
In this article, I’m going to answer the question.
There are a lot of advice for people to learn what they feel interested in what they feel passionate about. The basis of that advice is if you feel interested if you feel passionate, you are more likely to stick with it when there are obstacles difficulties and you are less likely to quit. So the underlying principle is for you to learn something long-term.
And when you think about learning anything - it's true that we can't possibly be the expert or be other relatively professional level in terms of months.
We need to think in terms of years.
Think about College education, it takes a few years for us to know about a subject just well enough to be employed, to provide some value to a company.
Think about professional athletes, it takes the athletes at least five to eight years of daily practice before they become eligible to participate in bigger competitions and events.
Think about your favourite content creators, if you find the oldest content you would realize that it was years ago, some are even decades ago.
So my answer is any knowledge could have monetization potential given that you are so good at it.
So the monetization potential doesn't come from what kind of knowledge to learn but it comes from how good you are in that knowledge.
And what a lot of people are thinking is in terms of months: I'm going to learn a new language for 3 months, or 6 months or 1 years and that's it. I'm going to read a book and enroll in a course (in total that could take maybe 20-30 hours in total), and that's it, I expect to make money with it.
Sounds funny and even a little bit ridiculous right? But that's exactly how a lot of us think and expect.
I've seen a housewife who is so good at making healthy, colorful and attractive lunch boxes for children.
She leverages on that knowledge on how she can prepare this kind of children lunch box with other Moms and monetised 6 figures of income by organising cooking workshops, helping other moms to prepare lunchbox for their kids, and online courses for preparing children lunchboxes.
I've also seen a nerd who is so good at Microsoft excel that he monetised 7 figures from teaching others how to create and read different financial reporting spreadsheets.
There is also one girl in the UK who picks mushrooms from mountains and teach others how to select non poisonous mushrooms, making 6 figures.
With these examples, I hope to show you that is not as important as what you know, most any kind of knowledge can have monetisation potential because it's very unlikely that you are the only one in the world who are concerned and interested in what you are interested in.
Chances are if you follow the profitable learner framework, you would be able to find your tribes and audience. And if you are good enough at what you know or do, you will be able to monetize when others want the value that you provide.
In summary, You don't need to concern about identifying profitable knowledge, what you need to think about is what are you good at - so good that people would like to pay you to have you do it for them or teach them how to do it?
If you don't have anything that is particularly good at the moment, guess what we can develop it, not overnight though.
If we think in terms of years we can definitely become experts in that area that we choose, and then people would come to pay us in exchange for what we know.
That's actually how it works for hundreds of years - think about the traditional high paying occupation like doctors and lawyers, to have been through years and even decades of education (they continue to educate themselves even after college with the mandatory education program in their professions).
Anyone who is willing to dedicate the years of efforts in time into learning can also become high paying professions. The monetization potential comes from accumulation.
If we keep walk towards the right direction, it's just made of time that we arrive at the destination.
To your success,