Probably the best source of motivation on the Internet…
Hi Medium fam,
Let’s talk about motivation.
A lot of times we are mistaken and we are not unmotivated. And motivation is not lost in the process.
There is something else going on. We just use loss of motivation to generally explain what we get into, but it’s not about motivation.
In this article, I’m going to share three underlying reasons and hacks how to stay motivated throughout the process of achieving your goal without pressuring yourself to discipline.
Psst, Feeling lack of motivation on your entrepreneur journey? I’ve got something to help you jumpstart: there’s an insider group to share the system that I incorporate to turn ideas to actionable steps and execute to make money. 🎊🚀 waiting for you to join us.
What losing motivation actually means:
Distractions — Getting easily distracted by other tasks or priorities.
There are hundred of things happening in our daily life — bills to be paid. What to eat for breakfast? What for lunch? Dinner? How are we going to get to office? When are we going to wake up? Which pen do you use? Are we going to reply this EMAIL today or can’t wait till tomorrow? Oh, we have not yet replied the family message! Where are you going to plan for a holiday? What is our budget? How can I make more money? Has the YouTube channel that I followed release new content? If so, I need to go check it out. Let me also check our Facebook instant gram and a dozen more social media and news platforms to stay updated. How is the stock market doing today? Am I losing money or making money on my investment? What should I invest next? Oh, wait. Do I have any savings left this month? What should I get for my friend’s birthday this month? How’s the relationship going? Disputing about who to wash the dishes? Do i drink enough water today? Oh, gosh, I missed my meditation practice today again.
We are just too easily distracted by other tasks or priorities.
When our attention shifts, we no longer focused on our goal and it weakens our goal and our energy towards the goal.
It appears as we are no longer as motivated as we were. But in fact, it’s just attention shifting. If we shift our attention back from all those things that came up in life to our goal — there you find the motivation and get back on track again.
It will come to the rainy days where the sky is gray and you don’t really feel like doing what you need to get done.
It’s not really a motivation Issue. It’s a trick that our brain plays on us to imagine things to be harder than it is so that we can take less risk for the greater chance of survival.
Our brain is designed to survive. And it’s trying to warn us of the potential risks and dangers out there. So we tend to imagine the worse thing that could happen more than the good sides.
When we are having those negative side, the danger at the back of our head. It can came out like “we don’t want to do it”, “we don’t feel like it” . It’s just because our brain is imagining the bad.
And if there is no one else to hold us accountable, we could easily come up with the suggestion that, “well, no one knows if I skip a day or two, I need to rest anyway” .
That is the justification that we come up with logically to explain why and how we don’t feel like doing it.
All going down to the wrong path… That’s why we need someone else to hold us accountable.
It could simply be about with our friends or family that we’re going to do it every day. If now we’re going to pay them $100 per day. Most likely they would be more than happy to hold you accountable.
And now you have someone reminding you — that breaks the brain’s pattern of risk imagination and so you would be more likely to get out of the “whatever it doesn’t matter much” spiral.
What loss of motivation really means is
Negative self-talk — Engaging in self-doubt or negative thoughts about achieving the goal.
Self doubt, negative self talk like “I’m not sure if I can do it”. “I didn’t achieved before”. I failed before.” are great dream killers.
We do not have to speak it out for them to have influence over us, as long as we think like this.
Notice that we don’t lose motivation, because we still want to achieve our goal. it’s just a matter of faith- whether we believe that we can and that’s where the negative self talk is trying to talk us out from the process.
We either believe that we can or we don’t believe that we can. When we do know a hundred percent commit to believe in that we can, the rest of the case of below we don’t really believe that we can.
It doesn’t matter what our experience is, what our past is like. The past is irrelevant as far as creating the future is concerned. Otherwise, those who have bankrupted won’t be able to become millionaires or even billionaires.
Faith doesn’t have any cost ie free. If you believe in yourself that you can, its free. If you believe that you cant, it will cause you costs, time, resources, efforts.
As Henry Ford put it, “either you believe that you can or not , either way you’re right”.
So why not believe in yourself?
Brainwash yourself from this moment from today that you absolutely definitely a hundred percent can do what you set out to do.
Tell yourself that you are in the wizard or a witch that you can do anything and have anything that you want in this life.
When you catch yourself doubting yourself, remind yourself that faith in yourself is Free and distrust in yourself will cost you millions and billions of dollars.
Your choice!
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To your success,