The learning to learn series:
My story and ah-ha moment on <It’s not about how many books you read>
I have shared the difference between consumption of content and learning here: <Why I learn how to learn?>
<5 ways how you can become an active reader>
<How to create a Learning Map for real growth in the shortest amount of time possible without information overload>
<My book review on How to read a book>
5 steps on <how to be a super learner>
<How I do analytical reading — applying and modifying from the book “How to read a book”>
From there, a few followers ask me whether I prefer reading paperback or ebook or listening to audiobooks, and have also mentioned the difficulty of note-taking when listening to audiobooks.
In this article, I am going to break down and share:
(i) means of learning
(ii) my note-taking strategy
Get the Full system: learning how to learn in a way that makes money
My means of learning
1. I usually start with listening or reading about book reviews and recommendations — these reviews give me an idea about which book maybe worth inspecting (level 2 of reading from <How to read a book>) and would prevent me from being attracted by merely the title or cover of the book (that was a weakness that I have noticed of myself — I love books with great cover. I have bought 3 copies of the same book before simply because their cover is different.)
2. If a book passes the inspectional reading and I decided to read it in full and in detail, then I will look at the prices of the digital version and paperback version.
If the digital version is more than 40% off the paperback version (which is usually the case because the publisher has little marginal costs for delivering a digital book), then I normally would go for the digital version, partly cost consideration and partly space consideration (my bookshelves are almost full these years).
However, if the digital version is of similar price as the paperback, then I may go for paperback because I still love the smell of a physical book.
3. I don’t listen to audiobook often unless when I am driving or working out if I have read the book and would like to reinforce my memory. A few reasons: (i) it is hard to maintain focus and attention listening for hours (ii) to be an active learner means one need to be taking notes and reflecting on the book content, but when we are listening to audiobooks, our mind would be occupied by listening to the words and would not have space for thinking.
Overall, for active readers and active learners, I would recommend digital or paperback format rather than audiobooks unless you have to spend hours driving or working out or you are not actively learning.
My note-taking strategy when listening to audiobook or youtube or courses or conferences
Although I don’t listen to audiobook much except for certain occasions, I do attend conferences and courses quite a lot. And in those occasions, we listen and there maybe ppt presentation of the content but that would only be consumption of content, note-taking is how we can actively learn.
Therefore, I would like to share my note-taking strategy for when you are:
(i) listening to podcast
(ii) watching youtube video
(iii) attending online or physical courses
(iv) attending conferences or seminars
you can know how to take notes to get the most out of the time you spend.
1. I would have a A4 single-lined note pad with me
Why A4 single-lined note pads? To make sure that there is enough space. And they are very affordable and practical that you don’t need to worry about making mistakes with them.
2. On the top of the page, I would write down the course title / video title / conference title, presenter name and date.
These basic information is necessary to remind myself what this is about.
3. For the next 5–10 lines I will leave blank for summary
I would leave the next 5–10 lines blank for now so that I can write a summary section at the end of the video or course or conference
4. For the rest of the page, I would leave 1 inch space on the left for thoughts and the rest for notes
In effect, when I’m taking notes during the class or conference or podcast or video, I would only write on the lines starting from middle right side of the page — that’s my note taking area and I can write down whatever I heard or saw.
The 1 inch space on the left — I call it “thinking space”. Whatever thoughts, questions, feedback, feeling I have about the class or conference or podcast or video, I would note it down on that 1 inch space.
5. At the end of the the class or conference or podcast or video, I would fill in the summary section asap when my memory is still fresh.
6. If there is opportunity for discussion or questions, I would ask my questions or thoughts marked on the left of the note-taking area. And supplement the notes.
This is how I use the A4 note pads for note-taking while learning and I found that it is extremely effective for any learning and study. It is also great with organising and finding your thoughts.
Hope this would be useful to you as well.
Get the Full system: learning how to learn in a way that makes money
Any questions: DM me IG @simplifiedbusinesscoach