Connie C
10 min readAug 22, 2024

How I attract clients on autopilot

I didn’t know a lot about how to launch but I’ve heard many horror stories:

  • burnout after launch and require at least a few weeks to a few months of resting afterwards
  • having to do all the things for launch — daily multiple emails, livestream, freebie, funnels, collabs, videos, podcasts, what nots….ALL the things at the same time
  • need a huge audience (talking about at least 100,000 followers upwards)
  • require a team’s efforts

None of these descriptions fit my launch, I’m doing it

  • super at ease and peaceful
  • doing minimal (1–2 hours a day, 4 days a week)
  • showing up mainly on one platform
  • only have an audience of around 520 ppl (to be exact, when I started warming up my audience for the launch, I only have 499 subs)
  • don’t have a team

This is possible because I’m being super intentional using the Epic 12 execution system, that I only focus on completing a few core tasks that would really move things forward (NOT 100 items on a to-do list), and I track progress (with a scorekeeping mechanism) + weekly feedback accountability (which allows me to know what’s working, where I need to tweak)…. Everything is just super easeful and spacious.

And this is the 1st year I’m launching Epic 12 execution mastermind — should be the hardest because all the launch assets have to be created anew. It’s crazy how this can compound over the years when I repurpose and reuse the content with minor adjustments (would be even easier going forward…. It’s insane)

So I’m excited to share this with you.

So excited to have the opportunity to really sit down and plan this out for you today because it’s really gonna be almost like a little workshop, if you will. (you may want to save this for later or make some notes LOL)

If you’re in business, when you decide what product or service that you actually are going to sell, you need people to sell to. Right? You need the right people that are perfect for your products that are going to buy from you.

Even if you don’t have a business right now, you’re thinking about it. Really important for you to start thinking about these even more.

My results:

172 out of my 523 subs are interested in Epic 12 execution mastermind, which increased by 63% in a week (wowwwww OMG) while my subs grow by 4%!

I’m feeling super overwhelm and excited and the best part is I still feel super at ease — coz I’m not doing a ton.

So here’s the process:

FYI — launch period for the Epic 12 execution system is on 19–30 aug: It’s an execution program and system for much easier, focused, highly effective, more peace and control, higher certainty and secured way of working smarter and not harder without overwhelm, burnout, frustration, doing all the things, keeping yourself busy at all times with little or no results or real progress towards what you desire.

There’re basically 2 ways to attract people to your business:

#1 post and pray

Just posting all of these things on social media and praying that the algorithm pushes it to the right people, hoping that the target customers see it and would be interested in what you’re selling

Which means going out there and they’re just posting you know random things, you’re going to have a lot of content out there.

Also means you’re going to over exhaust yourself…. really soon (maybe even before launch LOL).

You know you’re just gonna be like going and going and going until maybe more you run out of and I’ve seen that happen time and time again to many online entrepreneurs…hustling and doing all the things until burnout and overwhelmed.

Not feeling good at all in the process means you’re less likely to repeat it, which translates to not sustainable operation, and it’s hard for any “compound effect” to kick in.

#2 intentional attraction

Whenever I sit down and go, okay, I’m gonna make a post on social media. I’ve got to make sure that it’s going to serve that goal of which I designed it to serve.

Since I’m using the Epic 12 execution system, I’ll use that as an example.

There are only that many core activity rows that I would limit myself to complete each week and each day. That forces me to really be intentional and strategic in planning what should I do that will yield the biggest effect to move it forward towards my goals and vision.

(there is a difference between goals and vision — if you need to learn more on this, Vision clarifying camp could be for you. Overall, the vision clarifying camp is created because there are too many people confused about what’s vision (including myself before), and still many more just set goals ended up feeling disconnected and misaligned. Fact: Vision is important and so clarifying about vision and how to set aligned vision, hence helping us to set aligned goals and make the right decision about which actions or ways would actually bring us closer towards our goals and visions. This is Vision 101 class.)

Here, I need to mention the 80/20 Rule.

I really embrace (and love) the 80/20 Rule.

The Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 rule, states that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts. Identifying and focusing on these high-impact activities can significantly boost your effectiveness.

Easy step 1: Analyze Your Activities: Determine which activities contribute most to your goals.

Easy step 2: Allocate Your Time: Spend the majority of your time and resources on these high-impact tasks.

The 80/20 rule, or the Pareto Principle, suggests that 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. In the context of activity management, this means focusing on the vital few activities that yield the most significant results.

And it’s true that if we identify the top 20% of efforts and work that drive 80% of results. By concentrating on these high-impact activities, we optimize out time and amplify success without working longer hours and without spending 80% of the efforts and time on 20% of the results.

Learning to say no is a critical aspect of activity management. It’s about protecting your time for what truly matters.

Not every task is worth our time. By saying no to less valuable or less impact (namely miscellaneous LOL) tasks, we can make room for activities that highly align with our goals.

So I definitely opt for and apply the second way — Attract customers by being very intentional with your social media.

(2) Your content should ONLY be attracting your perfect customers

If you are trying to acquire customers and attract everybody in your business or in your world, you are going to be overwhelmed with a lot of questions.

Use this same strategy to put your dating profile together LOL (If you’re in the market)

You know when we use online dating apps or website — you want to maybe start a conversation with your reading the profiles — I do not just look at the pictures like for sure the attraction has to be there but I read the profile because that is more important e.g. love travel , love business , or other connection points etc. because I want to make sure that I just do not have time to be messing around with the wrong people.

The same thing goes in business. You do not have time to mess around with the wrong people.

One thing I do is to think about three to five benefits that my product or service does for people (or myself). For example, the Epic 12 execution system solves my shiny object syndrome issue that has been going on for years!

So other people who want to get out of shiny object syndrome would also find this program beneficial! And since I’ve been through the process, I can share my experience which makes it even more relatable.

So we knew based on knowing our our target audience, we knew some of the things that they were going through. And we want to be a solution providers for these individuals.

Those people are going to be the people that have a problem that they are looking to solve. So I would really create content that speak to that specific issues and benefit so whoever attracted to this content would be the target customers and buyers of the Epic 12 execution mastermind.

Again, we want to be highly strategic in our execution.

  • **** BTW Epic 12 execution mastermind is launching on 19 aug to 30 aug (get $1000 off if you’re on the waitlist)**, this program only launches 1 a year, so it’s your only chance to get it this year at this price. Join the waitlist NOW to secure your discount!

(3) Build a list

I mainly update content on Medium and it’s great that Medium has a built-in function for readers to subscribe, which saves me a ton of efforts if you’re using wordpress to build your own blog (I’m not technically savvy so I try to avoid anything tech LOL).

But anyway Medium allows people who love my content to subscribe to me on the platform and different from other social media platform, you can expert Medium sub list to your email marketing service provider!

This is huge and why I love Medium so much! (you won’t be able to export facebook followers right?)

So I build a list super easy and effortlessly.

You can use other means or platform of your choice. Medium is by no means the only way, it’s just what I use.

And so in my Epic 12 execution system I would have core activities to churn out content that are highly intentional to the target customers.

And if you’re in the Epic 12 execution mastermind, you would know there are 3 types of blocks I use to create my spacious calendar — one of them is strategic blocks where I block 2–3 hours of deep work.

In that 2–3 hours I could churn out 2–3 pieces of content which I’ll schedule in batch, so I can be easeful during launch period because the heavy lifting has already been done.

And it doesn’t have to be hard, I only work 2–3 hours for about 2 weeks in total to have enough content for my whole $100,000 launch LOL.

Totally worth it in my view.

So I really be intentional and strategic in execution (the Epic 12 execution system forces me to focus on what really matters so I won’t be doing all the things and can still keep my schedule spacious LOL).

Epic 12 execution system isn’t a complicated system, in fact it’s simple that’s why it works for me so well. I’m all about simplicity. (that’s why my brand name is Simplified business coach LOL)

In this highly distracted and overwhelmed world, less is more.

(4) Nurture by making connection and giving value while having a spacious calendar

After building the list, I really look to connect with my online fam.

To give back for their (your) support, I decided to do livestreams to share a ton of value and to make authentic connection.

That isn’t easy for me at all, because I’m an introvert and I’m really shy with the camera, I’m also socially avoidance.

But since 165 out of my 520 subs really support me and show interests in Epic 12 execution mastermind

(is that you? ❤ Say hi on IG dm if its you!!!)

I’m absolutely over the moon and so thrilled (literally jumping in joy)!!!! It’s 31% of my subs that show support to the Epic 12 execution mastermind and that is HUGE (I don’t know the industry standard but I’m really, really amazed by this) and means so much for me!!

(My heartfelt THANK YOU 🥺🌹❤ to all of my fellow Medium subs and who supports my Epic 12 execution program release and launch.) And OMG the numbers of interested persons keep growing EVERY single day!!

I haven’t felt that overwhelmed since i adopted the Epic 12 execution system, but im feeling so overwhelmed and emotional about the support I received from you all, my Medium family.

That support gives me courage and energy to show up on livestreams to connect and share LOL.

So there are only 2 purposes with the livestreams:

#1 connect

#2 give value

Again, I use the Epic 12 execution system to plan and schedule my livestream so it’s not taking up a ton of time — about 1 hour each time, and I do 3–4 each week.

That’s about 3–4 hours each week.

By the law of reciprocity — if you’ve done something nice for them, somebody ultimately wants to do something nice back for you. I just apply this law and that’s basically my launch LOL.

Nothing crazy. Not a ton of work, just the core, strategic, intentional activities that moves things forward based on the steps outlined here.

The Epic 12 execution mastermind launch period is 19 aug to 30 aug, based on the current 165 interested person, I know it’s going to be a high 5 figures or even 6 figures launch because it’s a high ticket group coaching program with multiple personal touch points to really help students to execute with ease, work smarter and not harder, feel at ease and controlled in execution.

So I’m here to tell and show you that you don’t need to do a ton.

You don’t need to buy into those overwhelming advice to do all the things, or do more things.

It gets to be easy, if you choose.

Ways to connect with me:

Even if you’re not interested in any of my programs now, you’re welcome to follow my Medium blog posts (where I show up with my thoughts / learnings primarily in written form which I feel most comfortable)

or IG @simplifiedbusinesscoach (where I sometimes share life updates on IG stories) — you’re also welcome to DM me

or my new facebook group “Effortless Abundance with Connie” (all my livestreams are hosted in the fb group) If you want to watch the replays of the past livestreams, feel free to join my fb group (lots of gems there)!

With love,


Connie C
Connie C

Written by Connie C

yogi, swimmer, writer, online educator, work smarter not harder, Diamond Wisdom Seminar Series:

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