End of month review and feeling
Today is near the end of aug (just one more day to end of aug), and also the last day of the Epic 12 execution mastermind launch.
I’m feeling both blessed and reluctant to part.
I’ve been overwhelmed by the support received by my small audience (thank you you all!) , but I’ve always know that it’s going to be a great, fun, successful launch and I know this execution system would benefit those who need help on execution (from doing all the things, doing more things, to doing the right things with ease), as it has helped me.
It’s been such an amazing and memorable August.
Just finished the last episode of the “Execution with Ease” livestream today.
It’s a series I created for the Epic 12 execution mastermind launch to share more about how to work smarter not harder, what’s fake productivity, what’s aligned goals and visions and how to avoid decision fatigue…. etc. all the things related to Execution with Ease.
My intention of this livestream series is that, even if some of you are not going to enroll in the Epic 12 execution mastermind, I still want to give you some value and connect with you via livestream to help you execute more easily, to reduce overwhelm.
Because I know first hand how awful overwhelm and burnout feels, especially when we’re alone and nobody seems to be able to help.
The last episode of the “Execution with Ease” livestream today is about:
Being “on” all the time go-getters: here’s the way out to NOT feel like wasting time about having plenty of spare time (replay available in my new FB group Effortless Abundance with Connie)
I used to work 12–16 hours a day when I first started my business.
I would have a never-ending to-do list (because I kept thinking about how can I get better results and faster in the business so I kept adding to the list),
and the list made me feel like a failure because each day I would have many (and more) outstanding tasks,
Worse still, I was feeling so overwhelmed, burned out, confused, frustrated, feeling like I was doing so much but the results were nowhere close to proportionate to the efforts and time I put in.
So the first customer of the Epic 12 execution system is …. Myself haha!
I tested it, modified it, improved it….
until the principles of “working smarter and not harder” “intentional” “strategic” “focus and anti-shiny object syndrome” are embedded in the system so that as long as I use and follow the system, I can put those easier said than done principles into application and action.
With this execution system, I clarify my vision and what I really want.
With this execution system, I make sure the actions I take bring me closer to what I want.
With this execution system, I keep myself in check and focused.
With this execution system, I track my progress and get timely feedback weekly on what’s working and what’s not so I can find out where the underlying (less obvious) blocks are (that I may not be aware otherwise).
With this execution system, I ditch the ineffective to-do lists and also ditch overwhelm.
So one reason why I know it works is because it works for me and it will work for those who are in the same situation as I did.
Btw, today is the last day of the launch so if you want to get in, here’s your last chance when you’re ready
If you have any questions, you can also DM me on IG @simplifiedbusinesscoach
Anyhow, I’m feeling so blessed and grateful with the support and trust I got in this launch and it’s coming to an end.
What’s next?
I’m starting to plan (or adjust my plan based on the feedback received and lesson learnt) for the remaining Q4 — using the Epic 12 execution system.
So I’ll definitely be doing a review of the whole launch process in this week’s accountability meeting,
and also I already knew that I’m going to launch something huge at this year’s thanksgiving and xmas (and of course black friday as well).
It’ll be EVERYTHING that I’ve ever done throughout the years-
I started as a sales coach — as an introverts, my “social avoidance sales” is the best choice for other introvert entrepreneurs to create a repeatable sales process to make more sales without changing personality;
(FYI the Peaceful Profitable Launch is also included in the “social avoidance sales” :)
yet many were confused and mixed up marketing and sales, so I created “Simplified Marketing” in addition to “social avoidance sales” which dive into the practical psychology from getting attention to being sold, so that “social avoidance sales” can focus on the repeatable sales process;
and then I realised that a lot of people are having mindset issues when it comes to marketing / sales, on the surface it appears as “ickiness” (tip of the iceberg) but really it’s some underlying mental blocks (the majority of the iceberg underneath the water), so I created “Abundance Overflow” to help shifting into abundance mindset;
And yet some students found that it’s nothing related to strategy, but a lot to do with poor execution or ineffective execution, so I organised and shared my backstage execution system and that turned out to be of so much help and value, that is the “Epic 12 execution system”;
Just when I thought all the major challenges are solved, some asked “I have no idea what to sell”, or “I don’t know what is my expertise that’s good enough to sell”, hence my “Knowledge to Cash” program, helping you to turn your knowledge to cash;
And for those of you who know my story, you’d know I’ve reached the millionaire status twice so far (once I lost $1m in a real estate investment deal and got almost bankrupted and depressed), that was my Freedom Portfolio story (my Freedom Portfolio is not only a financial life saver, but also my Freedom financial provider now). Since I shared my past, some asked me to share more about how to build the same Freedom Portfolio that could be an early retirement portfolio / kids portfolio / round the world travel portfolio etc. Hence I organised and created “Freedom Portfolio” and also “7 steps to millionaire” which is more about the path and major milestone steps that one need to go through to millionaire status without inherited fortune or lottery.
So these are all the major programs I’ve created so far, plus workshops / challenges e.g. “bring in the money 5 days challenge”.
And I’m going to package it all for those of you who want to have major breakthrough and success in 2025!
Stay tuned!!!!
Last words, I am really so, so grateful for your ongoing support ❤
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With love,