Connie C
16 min readAug 17, 2024

Allow me to introduce myself to my subs joining the online fam ❤

Hi, I’m Connie — About Me

Well, this is awkward.

Allow me to officially introduce myself to you:

If we haven’t met before — hello! my name is Connie!

Connie @simplified business coach

I was born in a normal family — my father is a junior worker, mum is housewife, my family installed the idea that I need to save money and I had scarcity mindset.

But despite the limiting financials, my parents try their best to provide for me and my younger sister, I started making money when I was in university.

I got into law school, studying minimal and getting maximum results (using the Epic 12 execution principles which I wasn’t aware before LOL).

Law school is expensive, so I started taking part time job, doing some small online businesses to make money, mostly ecommerce then (if that counts, I’ve been in business for more than 10 years).

I managed to get by without student loan but I was very stingy to others and myself, I would only eat at student canteen and buy only necessities. Scarcity ran my life then.

Graduated with dean list and scholarship, I needed to be trainee for 2 years before qualifying, that was hell — there came into picture a boss telling me what to do as if I can’t have my own thinking, demanding long working hours from me which I simply say no. I simply saw no reason when I can finish my work effectively, why would I need to stay in the office just because others or the boss cannot finish their work.

Yet I was just a trainee with little negotiation power, so as you can imagine I wasn’t having the best relationship with boss LOL.

I remembered telling my dad I’m going to quit cold turkey, he insisted that I keep going until after the training period (after all these years of study) to get license, then he promise to let me do whatever I want — ok, deal.

So I got my lawyer license, then didn’t find a job wanting to go full time in business — full time is worse, I got so much time on hand that I come up with 300 tasks that I could do for the business, each day I woke up to see a long, never-ending to-do lists, feeling super overwhelmed, anxious to make money fast and faster, doing all the things, trying all strategies that I know (and keep searching for more).

Since I had no stable salary at that time, the financial pressure is real — at that time I was investing in a real estate project with all my capital in, plus my family and investment partners’ monies in. It was a huge deal for me, and yet it went wrong…. So wrong that until today, the development / renovation still hasn’t completed and it’s still unhabitable.

The real estate investment went bust, I was under huge mental and financial pressure to repay my family and investment partners but the property is not worth the value it should worth, I had serious cash flow problems.

I wanted to go to the site for remedial actions but then Covid hit….. I wasn’t able to go to UK and so the project completely fell through and dead.

And I was in debt…. From being a millionaire to being in 6 figure debt… almost overnight.

I got depressed. I cried and beat myself up again and again “how can I be so stupid not to do sufficient due diligence before investment?” “how can I not see the problem coming?” “how can I trust others completely?” “how can I put all the money in this one deal?” I would blame myself repeatedly until I was too tired.

Living every day in anxiety because I felt like I have betrayed the trust of my family and my investment partners, I lost all the confident in myself. I didn’t know what I can do…. Even considered suicide.

Then I believed it was the debt that prevented me to kill myself, because I feel an obligation to repay the debt before I die so I was not leaving a mess to my family and investment partners who placed their trust and monies in me.

So I forced myself to pick myself up and I had to go back to find a job to survive first.

I found a corporate job pretty easily given my good grades but if I was relying on salary along to repay the debt, it would take me around 10 years. Imagine myself having nothing after working hard for 10 years, I knew I needed to do something else as well. Since I had little money left, the best way out seemed to be online business which requires very little capital to start.

So I started online business and driven by financial anxiety, I wanted to profit ASAP, so I was doing all the things, doing a ton but little results (far less than what I needed / expected).

After 1 year, I was completely utterly burnout by the overwhelmed, and quitted business (I only came back to business after 1–2 years later).

Yet it was at such desperate, lost, confusing moments that I saw some income showing up in my bank account — and I discovered that it was the dividend from a portfolio that I have set up a few years ago and forgotten about it.

I logged into the brokerage account (I even forgot the password LOL), and OMGGGG: my portfolio has grown to close to 6 figures.

That was surprising to me because I started with a few thousand dollars, and from time to time if I have surplus money left I would put it to the portfolio but never really take it seriously. It was just “my other bank account”.

Yet, this has grown at the rate of 8–12% annualised in the past few years, not to mention the dividend.

This portfolio became my financial lifesaver — I was able to repay a portion of the debt by liquidating 1/3 of the portfolio and also pay my bills by sustainably withdrawing 3% plus dividend, that immensely helped improved my financial situation and lifted the burden and pressure off me. I FELT LIKE I COULD BREATHE AGAIN!

Since then, I have started intentionally invest $1000-$3000 into this Freedom Portfolio every month, especially after I had come back to business and adopted the Epic 12 execution system to avoid overworking and overwhelm, I was able to do much better in business and making good income outside of salary.

Now the portfolio has become my Freedom Portfolio — it is going to support me whenever I decide to quit my job, early “retire” (only from my job, I won’t retire from my business because I enjoy it LOL), or go for a trip etc.

And with all these benefits, I’m only spending less than 5 mins each month “managing” this Freedom Portfolio. Managing as in 1) logging into the account 2) reviewing. That’s all!

I’ve set everything to be automatic so I don’t need to monitor the market, don’t need to manually manage it. It grows on its own (which is super awesome).

Investing is a journey towards financial independence and freedom.

It’s about making your money work for you, rather than you working all the time.

I personally adopt passive investing, particularly through index funds, and have been working well — my return on a single fund ranges from 20–30%, and annualised return ranges 6–13% per year in the last 7 years. I started with $10,000 initial capital, and now my Freedom Portfolio which took me less than 5 mins a month to manage (really what I did is log in to have a look lol — since I’ve set up automatic buy in), has grown to more than 6 figures.

And that Freedom Portfolio saved me.

At the same time on the other hand, I’m “battling” with my online business — I was doing all the things. I’m trying a dozen strategies — email marketing, setting up a blog, funnels, doing freebie, trying out livestream, podcast, google AdSense, webinar, IG, facebook, everything basically that I came across.

I was struggling.

I was having high hopes in the online business success to make 6 figures very soon, but the reality slaps me in the face.

I was working 12–16 hours in the business doing all the things.

I focused all our efforts on tactics, how-tos, specific actions and steps needed, in other words, strategy.

And at the end, when I don’t get the results we desire or expect, we blame the strategy — “it’s not working for me” or “this strategy doesn’t work”.

What I didn’t realise then was effective execution is not just about doing things right; it’s about doing the right things.

I’ve been making very little progress and staying between $100-$3000 in my business for many years with my shiny object syndrome (I would keep jumping from strategy to strategy and doing all the things but not really moving the needle forward).

It wasn’t until I implemented this Epic 12 execution system (that I kept modifying and upgrading and will continue upgrading when needed) that I achieved a huge, magical, real breakthrough to get results — I was able to go from close to 0 to making 6 figures in under 1 year while working bare minimal!

So in recent blog posts, I share more about this Epic 12 execution system because:

a) I know a lot of you are looking to increase income with side hustle or business but somehow it’s not working for you, if you’ve tried a bunch of strategies already, most likely problem is not with strategy but with execution (that’s why you want to install the Epic 12 execution system to make the strategy works for you)

b) it’s not only for business, if you have any bigger goal in life and being MORE PRODUCTIVE (e.g. content creation, or keeping fit, or any project you want to bring to life), but you find it overwhelming and somehow you fail to act consistently (I totally understand this because I was in your position), you would like to read my recent articles on execution as well because that is your breakthrough for continuous, consistent actions and behaviors.

I use the Epic 12 execution system to keep me in check to take the RIGHT actions, and not just ANY actions) This is the ultimate execution system for much easier, focused, highly effective, more peace and control, higher certainty and secured way of working smarter and not harder without overwhelm, burnout, frustration, doing all the things, keeping yourself busy at all times with little or no results or real progress towards what you desire.

In all of my programs and also how I run my life, there is the underlying value of freedom (I love to protect my free time and free head space haha).

I’m an average, lazy person who goes strategic because I never believe in hard work (read: banging head on the window hoping to one day open it to see the views outside, or throwing spaghetti on the walls to see which sticks).

I’m lazy (fun facts — when I was studying for law school, if I can study 2 hours to get 80% core materials revised i.e. sufficient to get A- grades, I won’t stay in the library for 2.1 hours or study more than that. I’m that lazy (or strategic if you put it in a better way LOL).

I believe in doing what’s necessary and simplicity is how it becomes sustainable);

I don’t want to work all the time (though I love what I do);

I love simplicity (it’s my love language);

I believe in working smarter not harder;

I believe in doing once and benefiting forever (where possible — e.g. fitness it wouldn’t be possible and would require consistent upkeep)

I never think burying in busyness is “productive” and working all the time is the path to riches in life financially, mindfully and spiritually;

I’m all about effective actions (making sure that I’m taking the right action rather than taking all the action);

I’m not faking myself with fake productivity of doing a ton and checking off all the items on the to-do list (because that doesn’t equal to moving the needle forward);

I have shiny object syndrome and struggle with focus on one path (that’s why I implement execution system to build support around myself);

I used to do all the things and got little results (that’s why I absolutely don’t want you guys to repeat my path);

there are many ways and strategies, the thing is finding one that feels most easy and keep working at it (go deep instead of wide),

and so based on the above principles, I built a reliable execution system that really helped me in sticking to a process that is highly conscious, intentional, strategic to go from $0 to $10k consistent months for 3 years in a row (6 figure income with absolutely f**king bare minimal effort that is neglectable — it’s insane).

The same Epic 12 execution system I use to maintain a consistent marketing and content strategy that works 24/7 to attract the right leads and clients to me (so I don’t need to go out and approach — btw I’m an introvert and a social avoidance too LOL).

The same Epic 12 execution system I use to stop myself from hustling and working all the time (I used to work 12 hours a day), to having more space for my head, myself and family.

The same Epic 12 execution system I use to get 7 times promotion and more than 4x my salary (when I was working in corporate) without burnout or working overtime at all.

The same Epic 12 execution system I use to have $100,000 launch in business (at that time I was still working part time on the business) without any team, without burnout, without overwhelm, without doing all the things, without showing up everywhere (I just stuck to one platform and had 10 content pieces). It’s absolutely insane how easy and effortless it can be when you allow it to be.

Epic 12 system forced me to give up hustling, stop doing all the things, throw away your to-do lists, and do much less but achieve greater results — not because it’s magical (maybe it is), not because it’s a new strategy, but because execution is what a lot of us get stuck in the way to get what we want. And Epic 12 system happens to be the reliable system to support us on that.

99% of us keep focusing on finding the best strategy, the right strategy (I forgot which game it is but it says: focus on the wrong thing and you got killed).

We focus all our efforts on tactics, how-tos, specific actions and steps needed, in other words, strategy. And at the end, when we don’t get the results we desire or expect, we blame the strategy — “it’s not working for me” or “this strategy doesn’t work”.

But we overlook the execution gap — the difference between what is desired and what is actually achieved

Execution determines at least 80–90% of the results we get, but we focus 99% of the efforts on strategy.

It’s no surprise that we get disappointing results.



What exactly is Epic 12 execution system?

It’s an execution program and system for much easier, focused, highly effective, more peace and control, higher certainty and secured way of working smarter and not harder without overwhelm, burnout, frustration, doing all the things, keeping yourself busy at all times with little or no results or real progress towards what you desire.

This IS YOUR SYSTEM and has your name on it if:

#1 shiny object syndrome is your thing and you tend to dabble, one foot in one foot out and shift from one strategy to another looking for the magic one that would fly you to the desired destination but everytime ended up in disappointment, frustration and confusion, back to square one to ask what should I do?

#2 the go-getters who do all the things, try everything, but are still constantly in overwhelming confusion and lack clarity on what to focus on for breakthroughs to get massive results that would really change and have an impact on life. Keep asking “how”, “how to do it”, “tell me what to do and I’ll go do it”. Action is not the issue for you, too many ineffective actions are.

#3 dream of working minimal hours and maintaining or exceeding income goals, but in reality found yourself working hard and harder day and night. Find yourself trapped in a rabbit hole of busyness and hustling mode that is super tiring, energy draining, but the income that you’re making is important so you don’t dare to let loose of all the busyness. How to stop trading time for money is the ultimate question.

#4 the creative dreamers who have an excess of ideas — You’ve spent countless nights lying awake, your mind and heart racing with dreams of what could be and you have many great ideas that you know would benefit many others (and yourself as well financially) if you go ahead and create that. You’ve felt the fire of ambition in your heart, only to be dampened by the cold reality of daily struggles, routines, discomfort of getting out of your comfort zone, limiting beliefs, lack of willpower or discipline and then in between the execution process you gradually slowed down and eventually gave up. This pattern could repeat itself many times in years- a while later, the ambition fire would ignite again in your heart and you’d try again (hoping this time would be different, only to find that the execution struggles are disheartening and demotivating and therefore you felt the fiction and eventually gave up again). I’ve been there.

#5 who prays for more stability, certainty, control, comfort, simplicity, peace and calmness in the process to just any accomplishment or results

This is what I know for sure: IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD.

If you’re working crazy and doing a lot of things, feeling overwhelmed, speak with me because it gets to be easy if you choose the easy way.

I’m now making $10k month or more consistently with just minimal, neglectable efforts.


So I am able to do this because I’ve intentionally and strategically build the process system to achieve this result — I call the process system Epic 12 because it’s quarterly based and I want each quarter to be Epiccccc~ .

How it works?

It starts with knowing what we feel called to accomplish and from there intentionally, strategically plan the easiest, most effective way to move forward in terms of months (not years), building the clear, simple yet highly effective execution system to support us so that each step of the way brings us closer to the vision / goal (whatever you call it). We would have highly actionable game plan based on the 80/20 principle focused on minimal input and maximum output (strategic :) and we are going to focus and commit on one thing (go deep and get results rather than dabbling in 100 things and fail). We’re also going to create spacious calendar with 3 kinds of blocks. There are scorecard and Notion planning template to keep us in check each day and at the end of each week, we’ll have accountability meeting and timely feedback for progress check-ins so we know what’s working, what’s not and great chance to tackle some sticky limiting mindsets too. What’s more, you’ll have key results to add to your life resume on a regularly basis (you may never realise that you’re that AWESOME lol). When you look back after 1 year, you’ll be able to tell at least 12–48 accomplishments and be massively more confident and experience reaching targets and vision plus building unparalleled self trust in the most effortless way possible.

#ease #peace #done

What’s included? -> more details here

  • **** IMPORTANT: Epic 12 execution mastermind is launching on 19 aug to 30 aug (get $1000 off if you’re on the waitlist or early bird to enroll within first 48 hours of launch), this program only launches 1 a year, so it’s your only chance to get it this year at this price.

If you’re interested to build your OWN Freedom Portfolio….

What is the Freedom Portfolio Program exactly?

It’s a program that you can complete in a day (if you really immense in it) or in your own time and have your tailored passive investment portfolio (called Freedom Portfolio) set up with your preferred brokerage.

How it works?

You’ll be able to have your own investment plan, and set up automatic investment instructions (or manual if you so preferred) so each month you just spend less than 5 mins login, take a look, and when you need the money, the Freedom Portfolio is here to provide for you.

Simple, easy, secured (as much as investment can go), passive investment to let your money work for you so you’re free.

This IS YOUR PORTFOLIO and has your name on it if:

#1 You value a ton about freedom — you want not just financial freedom, but also lifestyle freedom, work freedom, and mental freedom. If freedom is in your DNA, this Freedom Portfolio is for you.

#2 You want more financial security, in my own case, it’s my life saver that really gave me that buffer and lifted the burden off me so I can breathe. It could do the same for you — no one knows when the unexpected comes, we can only prepare for it. So this Freedom Portfolio can give you more security to know that “at least I still have a portfolio”. If security is what you seek or value, this Freedom Portfolio is for you.

#3 You are already investing but in an undesirable way e.g. the way you invest involves monitoring the market closely and that takes up massive time, or the way you invest involves timing the market which is hard (if not possible), so you’re ready to shift into a much easier, stabler, passive way of investing, so that you can turn your attention to other things in life.

#4 You want to build yourself a pension fund, a (early) retirement fund, an education fund for kids, a travel fund….. whatever fund reserve you want to have to support your dream or goal, this Freedom Portfolio is for you.

#5 You are not interested in investing but you are kinda aware of the Need to invest so as not to lose your money to inflation, so you want to have something set up in the investment department as easy and quick (but also reliable, profitable and manageable risk) as possible, then this Freedom Portfolio is for you.

What’s included?

Now, if you really need more details (most people don’t care that much but in case you really love diving into nitty gritty LOL): basically all you need to Create a Freedom Portfolio LOL) including the following structure and components, here’s the guide for more details

Ways to connect with me:

Even if you’re not interested in any of my programs now, you’re welcome to follow my Medium blog posts (where I show up with my thoughts / learnings primarily in written form which I feel most comfortable)

or IG @simplifiedbusinesscoach (where I sometimes share life updates on IG stories) — you’re also welcome to DM me

or my new facebook group “Effortless Abundance with Connie” (all my livestreams are hosted in the fb group) If you want to watch the replays of the past livestreams, feel free to join my fb group (lots of gems there)!

With love,


Connie C
Connie C

Written by Connie C

yogi, swimmer, writer, online educator, work smarter not harder, Diamond Wisdom Seminar Series:

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